To ensure the quality products of our products, the almond is acquired clean and with Shell, directly from the farmer when that is bought, the reception is given a batch number to ensure its tracebility.
We care about the protection and respect the Environment and the current needs of the consumers. For this reason, Company are interested in the ORGANIC ALMOND, wich is grown up of a natural way. Moreover, We offer the best prices of the market.
As you can see, the OCE GLOBAL Certification Service confirms and endorses the requirements established in the Regulation.
EC 834/2007.
Maclean Almendras Hellín, S.L. is of your confidence. It is dedicated to shelling of the almond. both organic and conventional. We are located in Hellín, province of Albacete (Spain), in the Industrial Park “La Fuente” in the smallholdings 25.27 and 29

Our main objetive is to offer the highest quality standards of our products and
get an high prestige brand image and our customers and suppliers loyalty. For
this, we buy the raw material directly from the farmer, maintain a close
relationship with they and offer them very competitive prices.
Our facilities have a total floor area of 10.103 square meters, an industrial
warehouse of 1.100 square meters constructed and a covered porch of 960
square meters.
In addition, we have other warehouses for storage.
Our facilities have easy access for large-tonnage vehicles and are separated of
the city area.